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Lectio divina is a method of prayer from the monastic tradition of Christianity. It is translated as “holy reading,” “divine reading”, “meditative reading,” or “spiritual reading.”

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Ignatian contemplation is a very active way of praying that engages the mind and heart and stirs up thoughts and emotions and is suited especially for the Gospels.

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Weekly Reflection

He Makes The Deaf Hear

09-08-2024  |  We Celebrate Worship Resource, Vol. 49, No. 1

Rarely do the evangelists give us the exact words Jesus spoke in Aramaic, but we hear one today: “Ephphatha!” which helpfully translates for his Greek-speaking audience as a command meaning, “Be opened! Jesus says it after touching the ears and tongue of the man with hearing and speech impediments. Note that Jesus did not say, “Listen!” or “Speak!” In saying “Be opened!” he is saying more than that he has cured those faculties. He is telling the man to open himself up to a new world. By keeping the original language, Mark is telling his readers, then and now, to do the same. Are our ears closed to God’s word? “Ephphatha!” Do we keep our mouths closed when we could boldly proclaim the Good News? “Ephphatha!” James gives an example in the second reading, asking if we avoid a poor person with shabby clothes while welcoming someone in fine clothes. Are we listening to what Jesus teaches? What are we proclaiming with our actions if we ignore or mistreat someone based on their outer appearance? James remind us: who did Jesus say would inherit the kingdom of God? May we open our ears, our lips, and our hearts to God’s word made flesh.

How can you listen to God’s word with new ears and proclaim it with a new voice?

Él Hace Oír A Los Sordos

En raras ocasiones los evangelistas nos dan las palabras exactas que Jesús pronunció en arameo, pero hoy escuchamos una: “¡Effatá!”, que se traduce para su audiencia de habla griega como una orden que significa “¡Ábrete!”. Jesús lo dice después de tocar los oídos y la lengua del hombre con impedimentos auditivos y del habla. Nótese que Jesús no dijo “¡Escucha!” o “¡Habla!”. Al decir “¡Ábrete!”, está diciendo más que ha curado esas facultades. Está diciendo al hombre que se abra a un mundo nuevo. Al mantener el idioma original, Marcos está diciendo a sus lectores, entonces y ahora, que hagan lo mismo. ¿Están cerrados nuestros oídos a la palabra de Dios? “¡Effatá!”. ¿Mantenemos nuestras bocas cerradas cuando podríamos proclamar con valentía la Buena Nueva? “¡Effatá!”. Santiago da un ejemplo en la segunda lectura, preguntando si evitamos a una persona pobre con ropa raída mientras damos la bienvenida a alguien con ropa fina. ¿Estamos escuchando lo que Jesús enseña? ¿Qué proclamamos con nuestras acciones si ignoramos o maltratamos a alguien por su apariencia exterior? Santiago nos recuerda: ¿quién dijo Jesús que heredaría el reino de Dios? Abramos nuestros oídos, nuestros labios y nuestros corazones a la palabra de Dios hecha carne.

¿Cómo podemos escuchar la palabra de Dios con oídos nuevos y proclamarla con una voz nueva?



Pray to Protect them Both

Vote "NO" on Amendment 4

Vote "NO" a la Enmienda 4


Save Your Stuff!

The Knights of Columbus will be having another Flea Market in April 2025! The last one was a huge success for our church. Proceeds from the sale was enough to pay for all the new altar lighting. We are hoping for a similar outcome next year. That is why I am asking now, Save Your Stuff!


High School Youth Group

All High School Teens are welcome to join us on Sun, Sep 15 from 6:00pm-8:00pm in the Teen Room for Fun, Games, and Food!

Curso Felipe

Todos son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros para vivir su encuentro personal con Jesús y tener una gran experiencia con el Espíritu Santo en el fin de semana de Sep 21/22 a partir de las 8:00am.


Choir/Music Ministry at St. Francis

We welcome all singers in grades 9 through adults! If you are interested in praising the Lord through song, we would love to have you! For more information about joining the Choir/Music Ministry, please contact the Director of Music, Julie Campese at 07-865-1843 or Lisa Spiegel at 407-923-7219.

24 hours of Eucharistic Adoration / 24 horas de Adoración Eucarística

Beginning at the 8:00am Mass on the First Friday, closing at the 8:00am on the First Saturday


3rd Annual Multicultural Event in Honor of our Patron St. Francis of Assisi

The Parish and its different cultures come together to share this celebration with you. Sign up to participate and display the food, music, dance and decorations from your culture.